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Bear Echo

About cozymossie

Is there anyone in the whole world who does not like to go with friends for a picnic on a fine summer day? To find a cozy glade, stretch a hammock between birches, lay out fresh delicacies from the basket directly on a hand-embroidered tablecloth, put a tiny vase with wildflowers in the center of an improvised table, so that later play board games, laugh loudly and sing songs with a guitar together all day long, right up to the bright stars...

What? You've never done this?

Then urgently call Echo with you, she will help organize a picnic that will remain in your memory one of the best events in your life.


Softie is made of 100% linen, which is very pleasant to the touch - there are no barriers to frequent and cozy hugs.


Citizens of Cozymossia are very afraid of large iron machines, so please bathe the toy with your hands in warm water. And add more soap bubbles - they burst so funny and ticklish.

Height: 27 cm (10,5 inches)
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